Marketing campaigns for a client from the publishing industry

A campaign in the Meta Ads advertising system for a client from the publishing industry.


  • increasing sales of monthly subscriptions and package purchases,
  • activating readers in digital channels,
  • increasing the reach and visibility of the brand on the web.


  • We created two campaigns divided into goals: sales and activity
  • The aim of the ads was to get people to the website and purchase access to full-size articles, as well as to activate the audience.

We had to face the competition and optimize advertising campaigns in terms of costs and effectiveness.

Our activities included:

  • conducting market analysis and reader behavior on the web,
  • preparation of campaigns and target groups taking into account the specifics of the publishing market,
  • implementation of two campaigns,

Campaign for sale is aimed at increasing sales of monthly subscriptions. We count sales as well as qualifying people for the "new, engaged readers" segment.
Campaign for activity aims to increase the engagement of current readers and acquire new ones through social media activity.
monitoring and optimizing campaigns in real time to maximize their effectiveness.

The target audiences for these campaigns are as follows:


in sales campaings We created custom audiences based on similarity to the subscriber list we received from the client and excluded people who made purchases in the last 7 days and people who qualified for the “new, engaged readers” segment from the last 30 days.

in activity campaigns We based the group on the customer list, profile and website activity, but excluded recipients from the sales campaign.


  • in sales campaings we achieved a theoretical return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 1,30, while the real value is much higher. In this case, we acquire customers for monthly subscriptions, so the exact value of purchases is spread over time, 
  • in activity campaigns we got the result 0,045 EUR for displaying the landing page. The campaign is for a light “activity” goal, but it brings a lot of clicks to the website that end with purchases.
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During months of cooperation and campaign management, we noticed that campaigns that do not have the main goal of selling, but those that promote the latest and most interesting articles, do better. They bring significantly more sales than campaigns with the message "buy a monthly subscription" or "buy a subscription with a set of books". Due to this dependency, we changed the goal a few steps back, i.e. displaying the landing page and qualifying as a new, engaged user of the site.

Plans for the future:

Further optimize your marketing campaigns to further increase sales and reader engagement.
While running the campaign, we noticed a certain seasonality – an increase in interest and purchases in the October-February period, which is why we plan to increase budgets at that time. This approach, at a time of higher demand for such products, allows us to reach a larger number of people who are really interested in the topic and, consequently, to increase sales.