Digital Agency – What Can It Do for You?

I may disappoint you, but I think that working with an advertising agency is not for everyone. Today's post will answer the question: what companies can consider potential cooperation with a social media agency, what such an agency can offer, and how small and large agencies differ from each other.


TIME. This is the first thought that comes to mind for smaller and larger brands. If you run your in-house campaigns and the projects are piling up. If you don't have enough budget to increase the number of people in the marketing department. If you simply don't have the time.

QUALITY. Another need that may be behind choosing an agency is the focus on quality in marketing communication. If you want "it all to look professional." If in-house you do not have graphic and copywriting skills and do not have the right equipment.

SUBSTANTIVE. Companies often need an outside perspective. Agencies employ specialists in a given field (e.g. specialists in performance campaigns, strategy, websites, etc.) who constantly update their knowledge.


I recommend contacting an agency when you run a medium or large company. Smaller companies may "bounce" in contact with such an agency from:

  • Agency prices,
  • Professional approach (some might say too professional),
  • Less time flexibility in creating e.g. strategies or changing post schedules.


The digital agency supports companies in terms of promotion and sales. Its activities include preparing campaign assumptions, implementing the established strategy and monitoring the effects. Responsibilities are established individually to be able to adapt them to the client's business needs, as well as to the specifics of the given industry.

Here are some key activities that digital marketing agencies can take over:

  1. Creating a communication strategy and her subsequent execution.
  2. Visual identification: Agencies help create a coherent visual identity. This will make your brand recognizable and memorable to your audience.
  3. Website creation: In the digital era, a website is a calling card for every company. Agencies offer the creation of modern, responsive pages that attract attention and are user-friendly.
  4. Social Media Management: Agencies create and manage content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It’s an important tool for building relationships with customers and increasing brand awareness.
  5. Media monitoring: The agency can constantly monitor and respond appropriately to what people are saying about your brand online.
  6. Advertising campaigns: Agencies plan and implement advertising campaigns in most online media, i.e.. Meta, Google, Pinterest, LinkedIn, X, TikTok, email marketing etc.
  7. Animations, image and product sessions.
  8. Videos and podcasts: An agency can take over the entire process of creating and communicating a podcast.
  9. Data analysis and optimization: Agencies monitor the results of marketing activities, analyze data and adjust strategies as needed.

Please note that the scope of services varies by agency.


Small social media agencies like KomuKoncept have their own unique advantages over large corporations. Here are a few of them:

  1. Individual approach: Small agencies often offer more personalized services. They can better understand the client's needs and tailor their strategy to a specific business.
  2. Flexibility: Small agencies are more flexible and can respond quickly to changes in the industry or client needs. They are not limited by procedures and hierarchies, which allows them to adapt to different situations.
  3. Creativity: Small teams are often more creative. Lack of bureaucracy and greater freedom of action encourage innovative ideas.
  4. Better communication: In small agencies, communication between the team and the client is often more direct. Clients can have direct contact with the people responsible for their campaigns.
  5. Costs: Small agencies can be more competitive on price. They don’t have the same operating costs as large corporations, which can translate into better prices for clients.


  1. Limited resources: Small agencies often have smaller teams and fewer resources than larger corporations. This can impact their ability to handle larger projects or multiple clients at once.
  2. Minor specialization: Large agencies often have specialists in different areas, such as SEO, content marketing, or data analysis. In small agencies, one person may be responsible for many different tasks, which can affect the quality of service.

It is worth emphasizing, however, that each agency is different, and the disadvantages can be balanced by their unique advantages. The choice between a small and a large agency depends on the individual needs and preferences of the client 😊