Lead campaigns for a client from the B2B education sector

In the B2B education industry, acquiring quality leads can be a challenge, especially when the offer is priced at a premium and the B2B decision-making process is lengthy. In the presented case study, the goal was to effectively generate leads in three different categories.


  • Campaigns for this client were prepared in different periods and had different budgets. We are talking about activities from 2021 to 2023. Three products have been selected for the promotion, differing in price, duration and level of participant involvement.

    For example: free live webinars will always get more registrations than an annual program for managers, the costs of which start at PLN 20,000. Why? Because you don't need the consent of your superiors to sign up for a free webinar. Just fill out a quick form and the link to the webinar will be sent to the specified email address. That's all.
    But to make a training purchase for PLN 20,000, you need to consult it with the person's superior and explain why this training/program will be a good investment for the company. Such a process can take several months in larger organizations.

    We were aware that in order to sell a one-year academy, we first had to warm up the potential customer with free webinars. Thanks to this, all three products complemented each other, creating a marketing funnel that allowed for familiarization with the brand and increased trust in it, and finally closed the decision-making process with an appointment and purchase.


  • The aim of the campaign was to generate leads in the B2B education industry, focusing on three different types of offers: free webinars on change management, annual programs for top managers, and specialized educational offers.

  • In each campaign, the goal was to maximize conversions while optimizing cost per lead.

Budget and timeframe:


Live webinars:

  • Budget: 5000 PLN

  • Duration: 2 months 

  • Type of offer: Free webinars

Academy for managers:

  • Budget: 8500 PLN

  • Duration: 4 months

Training for managers:

  • Budget: 5500 PLN

  • Duration: 3 months

  • Total budget: 19,000 PLN

To meet the challenges in the B2B education industry,
We have developed three separate lead campaigns in Meta Ads, varying in terms of topics and costs. Campaigns were optimized for different lead types:


  1. Live webinars – free live shows on change management
  2. Academy for managers – annual program for top managers
  3. Training for managers – specialized educational offer for leaders


#1 Campaign promoting "Live webinars” offered free live sessions on change management. The target group consisted of professionals aged 26-55. Targeting included:

Custom group:

    • Type: Lookalike 1-2% based on people who like the page, follow it, react to posts, and have visited the client's website.
    • Period: Activity over the last 7 days.
    • Exclusion: People who completed the application form.
    • Data sources: Pixel on client's website.


#2 Campaign  "Academy for managers" was aimed at acquiring leads for a one-year educational program, the cost of which started at PLN 20,000. The conversion was filling out a special application form on the website. Targeting included:

Custom group: 

  • Top managers and decision-makers in companies in Poland, aged 26-55. We used a custom group based on social media activity in the last 7 days.

#3 Promotional campaign ,,Training for managers concerned a specialized offer for leaders, requiring a longer decision-making process. Targeting included:

  • Custom segments: Lookalike with profiles on pages and reactions to advertising posts.


A key step in the further process of creating a campaign was to prepare graphics that were intended to reach the target even more precisely. The effectiveness of an advertising campaign largely depends on how well the visual materials are prepared to attract attention and encourage people to fill out the form.

We created graphics consistent with the brand image and campaign message. We used appropriate colors, logos and fonts that are consistent with the client's visual identification. Below we present the messages we used in content and graphics in specific campaigns.

#1 Live Webinars Campaign

We promoted free webinars held every Friday. In the messages, we encouraged recipients to sign up for online meetings that offer the opportunity to gain new knowledge from experts.


    • "Online meetings every Friday – join the conversation with experts!"
  • "Sip good coffee online with exceptional guests, meet industry experts."
  • "Let's talk about competences - a series of annual autumn meetings"

#2 Campaign "Academy for managers"

The campaign aimed to promote a year-long educational program for top managers that focuses on building trust and loyalty in the organization. In the messages, we pointed out the exclusivity of the program and its value for people managing large teams.

  • "Change the organization and build a team based on mutual trust! Join the annual Academy."
  • "Manager! Manager! Is your company in the process of changing its organizational culture? Or are you building a new strategy that is resistant to turbulent times and crises?
  • "Recruitment is ongoing. Fill out the form, receive an offer, and we will contact you!"


#3 Campaign "Training for managers"

The campaign aimed to reach leaders looking for effective strategies in times of change. In the messages, we encouraged recipients to reflect on their strategies and use the program to help them better prepare for change.


  • "Leaders! Are you wondering how to operate in times of change based on your own and your team's talents?"
  • "Discover the three questions our client, the CEO of a large company, asked his employees before he started making changes..."
  • "6 weeks, 6 meetings, 6 topics – a must-have for an effective change leader."


#1 "Live Webinars"

  • Number of Conversions: 191 (The number of people who filled out the registration form for free webinars. The conversion was filling out the form, after which the user received access to the event.)

  • Cost per Lead: PLN 25.57 (Average cost of acquiring one lead, i.e. a person who signed up for the event. This cost is the total campaign budget divided by the number of conversions.

  • Budget: 4883.13 PLN – ctotal budget allocated to the advertising campaign.

  • Efficiency Index – CTR (Click Through Rate): 2,18% (The ratio of clicks on ads relative to the number of times they are displayed. A higher CTR indicates how effective the ads are at capturing the attention of your audience0.

#2 Campaign "Academy for managers"

  • Number of Conversions: 146 (Number of people who filled out an application form for the annual leadership program. The conversion was the submission of an application by people interested in participating in the program.)


  • Cost per Lead: 58.89 PLN (The average cost per lead for an educational program. This cost reflects the campaign spend divided by the number of conversions achieved.)


  • Budget: 8597.60 PLN – ctotal budget allocated to the advertising campaign.

#3 Campaign "Training for managers"

  • Number of Conversions: 46 (Number of people who filled out the application form for the training. The conversion was the submission of an application by people interested in participating).

  • Cost per Lead: 118.69 PLN (Average cost per lead for an educational program. This cost is the total campaign budget divided by the number of conversions obtained.)

  • Budget: 5459.54 PLN – ctotal budget allocated to the advertising campaign.


Advertising campaigns in the B2B education industry, despite differences in the type of products offered and the costs of acquiring leads, produced positive results:


  • The “Live Webinars” campaign was aimed at promoting free live webinars for managers, held every Friday. These webinars offered the opportunity to participate in online sessions with industry experts, which was to attract managers interested in developing their competences in the field of change management.

    The campaign achieved the lowest cost per lead and the highest number of conversions, which can be the effect of offering free webinars that attracted a wide audience. A high CTR suggests the effectiveness of advertising messages and the attractiveness of the offer for the target group.


  • The "Academy for Managers" campaign was higher cost per lead, but conversions indicate high interest an annual educational program for top managers, which is consistent with its exclusive nature.


  • "Training for managers" campaign had the highest cost per lead, what may result from more niche and specialized offer and that it was a new, test product for the client. Despite these challenges, the campaign also brought in valuable leads.


Analysis of the results shows that well-thought-out advertising messages, appropriately tailored audiences and effective use of budget can significantly affect the success of lead campaigns. Each campaign had its unique challenges and needs, but thanks to the processes we know in the B2B industry, precise targeting and effective messages, it achieved its goal.

Aleksandra Dzwierzyńska

Aleksandra Dzwierzyńska

Head of Social


Michał Opydo

Michal Opydo

Managing Director
