From Boomers to Alphas – How Do Different Generations Behave Online?

The internet is now one of the most important tools in our daily lives, and different generations use it in different ways. From Baby Boomers to Generation Alpha, everyone has their own unique preferences and habits. Understanding the differences and common characteristics is key to effective marketing, because it allows us to choose the right platform, method, and type of communication for our product or service.

Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)

“Boomers” is a group that grew up without digital technologies, but now finds themselves surprisingly well in them (READ ALSO “Silver influencers” – who are they and how are they changing the world of social media?). While they may not be as technically savvy as younger generations, they are very active online. They are loyal to brands and prefer traditional forms of communication.

Online behavior:

Preferences: They prefer to use desktop computers and laptops, but they are also increasingly using smartphones.

Activities: They read news online, use emails, and visit e-commerce sites. Online, they are significantly more engaged with topics related to sports, business, politics, and tourism.

Social Media: They most often use various Google applications (Gmail, Maps, Google+) and Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends.

E-commerce: Online shopping is also an important aspect of their online activity, with them placing great emphasis on values such as quality and brand trust.

Generation X (born 1965-1980)

This generation grew up in the pre-digital era, but has adapted perfectly to new technologies. They value work-life balance. For this group, the Internet is primarily a tool for work, entertainment, and maintaining contacts.

Online behavior:

Preferences: They use both computers and mobile devices.

Activities: They often read blogs, watch YouTube videos, and participate in discussion forums. A large percentage of this group engages in classifieds sites and topics related to business, work, and sports.

Social Media: The most popular platforms are Facebook and LinkedIn.

E-commerce: They use the Internet to shop and research products before purchasing.

Millennials (born 1981-1996)

Millennials are a generation that grew up with the development of the internet and mobile tools. They are open to new technologies and innovations. They like to be informed about new trends, which makes them ideal recipients of dynamic advertising campaigns. They are also interested in the topics of sustainable development and ethical consumption, which influences their purchasing decisions.

Online behavior:

Preferences: They most often use mobile devices.

Activities: They actively use social media, value visual content, and are susceptible to influencer marketing.

Social Media: They are most active on social media platforms like Instagram, X, and LinkedIn.

E-commerce: They prefer online shopping, but also expect fast and friendly customer service.

Generation Z (born 1997-2012)

Gen Z are true digital natives who have never known a world without the Internet. They are more aware of social and environmental issues, which influences their consumer choices. They are also more pragmatic and individualistic, valuing authenticity and transparency. When it comes to marketing, interactivity and personalization of content are key to their hearts. Gen Z prefers experiences over ownership, which makes them willing to subscribe and rent instead of traditional purchases.

Online behavior:

Preferences: They mostly use mobile devices.

Activities: They prefer short, dynamic content that will grab their attention.

Social Media: They mainly use TikTok, YouTube and Instagram.

E-commerce: They buy online, but are more interested in authentic reviews and influencer marketing.

Generation Alpha (born after 2010)

Generation Alpha are the children of Millennials, who have access to new technologies from a young age. Although still young, their influence on the market is starting to be noticeable. Due to their young age, their online activity is supervised by parents, which means brands need to take care of the transparency and security of their content. Interactive and engaging content is key to attracting their attention.

Online behavior:

Preferences: They will likely use mainly mobile and wearable devices.

Activities: They use educational and entertainment applications, and their preferences are influenced by the content available on YouTube and streaming platforms.

Social Media: Their preferences are still forming, but they will likely use platforms like TikTok.

E-commerce: Over time, they will become more inclined to shop online, and their habits and preferences will be shaped largely by technology.


Different generations have different online behaviors and preferences, which impacts how brands should reach them. Baby Boomers and Generation X prefer more traditional forms of communication and online purchases after thorough product research, while Millennials and Generation Z are more inclined to use social media and influencers. Generation Alpha, on the other hand, will grow up in a world that is even more dominated by technology and digital content. Understanding these differences is key to effective marketing strategies.
